Long hikes

Hikes on several days with beautiful landscapes.

The Tour of Taillefer

The Tour of Taillefer is a high level alpine hike but accessible. A trip at the heart of Valbonnais to discover splendid landscapes on the valleys of La Roizonne, La bonne and La Malsanne, before arriving on the plateau of Taillefer.

To reach it, let’s take old paths and get through villages full of character and exceptional viewpoints. In the middle of its lakes and peatlands, the high plateau of Taillefer is obviously the jewel of this hike.

The tour of Taillefer is composed of 7 stages from3h to 5h30 walk and from 250 to 1000m drop. A shorter tour offers a 4 days hike.

More information: www.grand-tour-ecrins.fr

Parc National des Ecrins

On the steps of the Huguenots

In 1685, the King Louis XIV revoked the edict of Nantes and a climate of persecution set up in France. 200 000 "Huguenots" sought refuge in protestant lands in Europe and all over the world. In Dauphiné, where there was the Reformation, many protestants left for Genève then Germany where they’ve been welcomed and they founded their community. All its 1600m long, the international path « On the steps of the Huguenots » most closely follows the historical route of this exile. From Poet Laval in Drôme, the route goes through Genève, crosses Switzerland, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse until Bad Karlshafen. The length crossing France has been ratified as GR®965 and is composed of 29 stages for 374km long.

2 stages crosses Matheysine (Mens - La Mure ; La Mure - Laffrey).

More information: www.surlespasdeshuguenots.eu
