*To access information about ski lift passes, click here.
La Blache (TS) : OPEN
Bambins 1 (TK) : OPEN
Bambins 2 (TK) : OPEN
Baby Blache (TK) : CLOSED
Les Rinnes (TK) : CLOSED
Le Serriou (TS) : OPEN
Cochettes 1 (TK) : CLOSED
Cochettes 2 (TK) : CLOSED
Portes Sud (TS) : OPEN
Ollière (TK) : OPEN
Parché (TK) : OPEN
Pâtres (TK) : OPEN
Pérollier (TK) : OPEN
Cloutons (TK) : OPEN
Opening of green slopes
Opening of blue slopes
Opening of red slopes
Opening of black slopes
Souillet Sector :
Louvet Sector :
Special equipment required.
The weather forecasts for several days are given for information purposes only. The weather in the mountains can change very quickly. It is strongly recommended to check the weather forecast before going out in the mountains.
Lower resort :
Upper resort :
The current avalanche risk is 2 (on a scale of 1 to 5). Caution is advised if you plan to go outside the marked and open slopes.
You are in an environment where danger exists. It is essential to be equipped with the safety kit (DVA, probe, shovel at least), to indicate your exit route to a trustworthy and reachable person, and to estimate an approximate return time. Consider giving up if the weather is too uncertain.
Do not hesitate to call on a mountain professional to supervise your outings.