From Taillefer to Obiou

While they are not properly located in Matheysine, Taillefer and Obiou are the boundaries of the territory, offering breath-taking panorama views on the plateau Matheysin, on the valleys of the Drac and Valbonnais.

Randonnée au sommet du Taillefer, sur l'arête Pinelli

To the North, Taillefer, red and white

The massif of Taillefer is a beautiful lookout point on the surroundings such as Oisans, Grandes Rousses, the massif of Belledonne and Vercors. It offers a wonderful panorama view over Mont Blanc mountains.

The name of Taillefer comes from the metal that colours in red a large part of the rocks composing the Taillefer mountain range. 

The massif of Taillefer has numerous summits, whose altitude are situated between 2000 and 2900m high (Grand Armet, Coiro, Grand Galbert, Grand Serre, Tabor…)

There is a lot of mountain lakes to discover, through different hikes : Lake of PoursolletLake Fourchu, Lake Brouffier, Lake of Rif Bruyant, Lake Emay...

To the South, the majestic Obiou

Located from equal distance from Grenoble and Gap, the Obiou mountain range marks Devoluy and Trièves’ border.

Overlooking the village of Corps and the Sautet lake, the summit of Obiou, from its 2200m high, is an impressive part of the landscape.

Obiou is fascinating and arouses interest of wild summit seekers. Its colourschange over the day and seasons.

Important : The Obiou's hike is difficult and it is reserved to experienced hikers. We recommend to go for it under good weather conditions. 
