Arts & Culture here

Matheysine is a region that comes alive with the seasons: cultural spaces, museums and local creators welcome you around temporary or permanent exhibitions, workshops and activities, demonstrations, film and documentary screenings...

Discover or rediscover all this cultural offering in Matheysine, for adults and children!

The Matheysin Museum

In the heart of the old town, nestles the Maison Caral (the oldest building in La Mure) which has housed the Matheysin Museum since 1994. The museum presents collections (machines, tools, paintings, photos) telling the story of Matheysine, Beaumont and Valbonnais.

Archaeology (prehistory, Gallo-Roman and medieval periods) and the Wars of Religion (Siege of La Mure in 1580) precede the rooms of miners, peasants, glovers and peddlers, activities that brought this mid-mountain region to life.

The last spaces address regional sculptors and painters of the 19th and 20th centuries. Since 2012, part of the museum has displayed the work of abstract painter Claude Garanjoud (1926-2005).

Each season, the museum offers a new temporary exhibition.

More info: musee.matheysin




La Mine Image

La Mine Image is a non-profit museum. It offers you a journey through the heart of an underground mining site, as well as an exhibition retracing more than 1,000 years of coal mining on the Matheysin plateau.

A guide will take you along authentic galleries. You will follow two centuries of mining :  its techniques, its equipment from different eras and the working conditions of the "black faces". Mining finally ended in 1997on the Matheysin plateau.

More information:

Entrée du Musée de la Mine Image à La Motte d'Aveillans



Cinéma-Théâtre La Mure

Cinéma-Théâtre de La Mure

It is a cultural place dedicated to live shows and cinema, sharing and conviviality.

Located in La Mure, the Cinema-Théâtre has a large room with 420 seats and a small room with 50 seats. It is equipped to alternate between cinema sessions and shows, as part of a rich and varied program.

All year round, the LMCT association offers a program mixing local and national artists in which each audience will find what they are looking for: music, theater, dance, humor, young audiences... there is something for all tastes and all ages!

Find the entire program of the season:



The Matacena Media Library

The Matheysine is a region of mountains and lakes that extends south of Grenoble. Its historical name Matacena is the name of the network of libraries of the plateau.

The Matacena media library in La Mure is the main media library of the network. On its 600m² spread over 2 levels, you will find a large selection of books, magazines, comics, CDs and DVDs for everyone.

More information:

Médiathèque La Matacena La Mure



Boutique "Au Train Où Vont Les Choses"

The boutique is located just in front of the La Mure train station. It presents artisanal and handmade creations from Matheysine and Trièves.

Crafts: Earthenware, Turned wood, Pottery

Local products: Jams, Sénépy honey, Craft beers

Woven creations (fabrics, handkerchiefs, pouches), Trièves jewelry (recycled materials), La Halle leather

Images: Photographs (JP Dordain), Artistic drawings... And many others!

More info: et


