A walk in the bottom of the valley, in the cool, to discover the rich heritage of these mountain hamlets where the inhabitants have always composed with their environment to work, cultivate and meet their needs.
Voor meer informatieDeparture from Ségouins, direction La Chapelle en Valjouffrey via Les Châtelards and Entre les Hors. From there, reach La Chalp en Valjouffrey via Sur La Chapelle, Les Cognets and La Draye. Continue to Les Faures campsite via Le Pinet and Vorzines, then return to Les Ségouins via Les Fauchiers, Les Fauries, Les Faures, Malserret, Les Rozays and Pont Baléard.
Discover on the way, the swing saw restored by a local association. The Ségouins footbridge and the theme trail on "Water in all its states" await you between Les Ségouins and Pont Baléard.